Thursday, November 1, 2012

Falling Leaves

Falling Leaves

Isn't that what fall brings?  With all the leaves floating down to earth also comes a great opportunity for play!!!  Remember being a kid and that great feeling of jumping into a big pile of leaves that your dad just raked only to have him get flustered - but there was always a little smirk on his face as he probably remembered doing the same when he was a child.  To this day I love taking a walk in the fall and shuffling through a pile of leaves....I love to hear the crunch and watch the leaves scatter about...there is that inner child in my that would love to jump right in.  But as we get older we are more unlikely to through caution to the wind as we did as children.  My grandchildren had no fear of anything this fall afternoon and used the occasion of my husbands efforts of raking to  foster some old fashioned play.  I then had to run for the camera.   I had almost as much fun watching them as they did finding a new outlet to expel some energy.....

Niko diving in...

How did you find me in here?

Mahina swimming in the leaves...

One, two, three  


Look how many I have?

Nonno and his helpers...
Now Sandy blew through earlier this week [thankfully without much fanfare in my neck of the woods] and all the leaves are wet and yucky.....a few days of sun and maybe another romp through the leaf pile before we start building snowmen!!!

Happy Leaf Jumping...

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